Eye contact

Summarize your observations (including the SOLER ratings), and compare and contrast the 2 conversations in an APA-style paper of 800–1,000 words.

SOLER Observation Summary This week, using SOLER—face the person Squarely, use an Open posture, Lean in, Eye contact, be Relaxed—as a guideline, observe 2 individuals who are engaged in a conversation, rating them on each category. If possible, try to observe them anonymously for a more natural study. Then, engage in a conversation with someone, […]

Briefly describe the concerns of adult autistic advocates about the use of ABA therapy for people with autism/autistic people. Discuss your personal view on the use of ABA therapy for students with autism.

Topic: ABA Controversy For each Discussion, you will create a thread of at least 400 words and 3–5 paragraphs. You must support your assertions in the initial thread with at least two scholarly sources in the current APA format. Acceptable sources include textbooks and journal articles. In addition, wikis and blogs may be discussed in […]

Post an analysis of the demonstration that you viewed in the context of culture, power, and status.

View the Walden University (2020b) Status Play video in the Learning Resources, and select one of the demonstrations within it to use for this Discussion. Review the selected demonstration, paying close attention to the interaction between the people and how power is shown through status. Observe body position, eye contact, tone, statements, and moment-to-moment changes […]

Select a specific topic to research and present in the field of nonverbal communication. Sample topics include: using gestures effectively, moving around purposefully during presentations, or the importance of eye contact.

Select a specific topic to research and present in the field of nonverbal communication. Sample topics include: using gestures effectively, moving around purposefully during presentations, or the importance of eye contact. In the speech we’ll include examples of non verbal communications as in: engaging in eye contact, use hand gestures to reinforce message, movement when […]

Choose a TED talk on the topic of your choice and evaluate it.Talk about this presentation. What is it about?

For this assignment you will choose a TED talk on the topic of your choice (link listed below at bottom) and evaluate it. Pick a talk at least 10 minutes long, hopefully regarding a subject you enjoy.  Your paper will respond to the following areas, using moments in the speech as your support: Talk about […]

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