Federal bill

Choose a current health-related federal bill of interest from the required site. Read through the bill and develop a summary of the main points in your own words.

Healthcare Policy week 3 You are developing this presentation as if you were going to communicate your analysis to your colleagues regarding a current federal bill you believe may be of interest to nurses. Go to https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/subjects/health/6130Links to an external site. (This is a required site for this assignment.) Choose a current health-related federal bill […]

How might you communicate your concerns about or support for this bill to peers and legislators based on nursing practice, standards, or patient outcomes?

Healthcare Policy Assignment Review the infographic as a way to guide you in getting started with your assignment: Developing an Assignment with Integrity View a short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment: Launch External Tool This assignment will be in the format of a PowerPoint presentation (Bullet points and ‘Best Practices for PowerPoint’ should […]

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