Fiscal Crisis

Discuss and analyze one of the primary sources that we read at the Municipal Assistance Corporation archives in Newman Library on Wednesday 3/1.

Fiscal Crisis through the MAC Archive For your final research paper, you will read secondary sources (academic books and articles) to help you understand the historical context of your research question. Then, you will read primary sources (sources created at the time that you are studying) to answer your research question and offer a (small) […]

How do the authors on our class syllabus (Only select from the section on “Fiscal Crisis and Recovery”) understand the NYC fiscal crisis of the 1970s?

Fiscal Crisis of the 1970s How do the authors on our class syllabus (Only select from the section on “Fiscal Crisis and Recovery”) understand the NYC fiscal crisis of the 1970s? What happened? Explain. Use 3 authors for the fiscal crisis. The 3rd book is “The Long Default: New York City and The Urban Fiscal […]

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