Genre Conventions

Produce an evaluative annotated bibliography that collects, summarizes, and explains the best secondary sources available on your narrowed topic.

Evaluative Annotated Bibliography Assignment: Produce an evaluative annotated bibliography that collects, summarizes, and explains the best secondary sources available on your narrowed topic (there will also be an informal in-class research presentation worth 10% of your final grade). Many of the sources collected will be scholarly. The annotated bibliography will 1) summarize the source and […]

Discuss the following topics within your paper with examples from the film:Film Form, Realism/Anti-Realism, Genre Conventions, (Theme, Story Formula, Character Types, Setting), Mise-en-scene.Do not forget to include the historical background of the film makers.

Start at top of page as there will be a cover page dont forget work cited as im adding three but you can add more just make sure you use google scholar(or other reputable sources) no wikapedia or IMDB. Must Discuss the following topics within your paper with examples from the film: Film Form, Realism/Anti-Realism, […]

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