
Prepare a research proposal on the use secondary sources that are already available and conduct different sorts of analyses on content already available.

Research Proposal Rewrite Chapter 3 Methodologies and Conclusions -Research design, sampling procedures, etc. The Research and the Research Proposal should only use secondary sources that are already available and conduct different sorts of analyses (e.g., textual, discourse, content, semiotic, genre, etc.) on content already available (e.g., films, literature, etc.). The paper needs to be written […]

Write an evidence-based argument to your audience defending your stance and proposing a plan of action the audience should take.

Advocacy Letter ASSIGNMENT Write an evidence-based argument to your audience defending your stance and proposing a plan of action the audience should take. Your argument should be presented in the advocacy letter genre. REFLECTION 1. Describe three specific decisions you made to shape the writing of this essay to your audience and in the advocacy […]

Choose a song that you feel represents your culture’s generation and explain why a particular genre of music or musical artist represents your generation

Assignment Content Exploring themes in your generation’s music through a lyrical close reading response. 750 words MLA format For this paper, choose a song that you feel represents your culture’s generation. This option encourages you to think of music and lyrics in a new way. Simply explain why a particular genre of music or musical […]

Compose a rhetorical analysis of the image you selected and explain how your analysis of the image relates back to the article from which the image originated.

Assignment Compose a rhetorical analysis of the image you selected. Remember, your essay should argue for a particular interpretation of the image. 2. Consider the following elements of your image: The rhetorical situation of the image, including the author, audience, purpose,context, tone, genre, design, constraints, and exigence The rhetorical strategies, or how the image is […]

Pick three songs they can be from any time and any genre and write a Mini Musical.

Write a Mini Musical Pick three songs. They can be from any time and any genre. Begin writing your story. Have a story that makes sense and involves interesting characters and make sure the songs fit into the story. Remember it must be written in script form and include all stage directions. In case you […]

What did you enjoy most about the reading? be specific and use examples. What elements of the genre are being used in one specific piece.

For each reading, answer the following questions: What did you enjoy most about the reading? be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the texts themselves (MLA format). Paraphrase three of the poems. Each of these paraphrases should be done in four or less sentences. What elements of the genre are being […]

Write an argumentative essay concerning some of the different literary devices utilized in a work of literature.

Well-known, published (in English and in any genre) author who has lived from 1600 C.E. to the present. The student will then write an argumentative essay concerning some of the different literary devices utilized in a work of literature from the selected author. For example, in the case of poetry, the student can discuss the […]

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