literary criticism

Connect one of the theories of literary criticism, explore and explain how you think the theoretical perspective is either expressed in or can be applied to your chosen work.

Literary Criticism Discussion Tasks: Connect one of the theories of literary criticism that you were introduced to on the Introducing Literary Criticism page to some form of creative/artistic media – whether it be film, music, literature, etc. – that you enjoy or are otherwise drawn to. Then, explore and explain how you think the theoretical […]

Make an argument through research and writing- about one of the works you have read in this class that you have not personally written about yet.

Literary Research Essay Prompt: In this Literary Research Essay (Paper 2), you are expected to make an argument through research and writing- about one of the works you have read in this class that you have not personally written about yet. It is important to remember that your argument must be supported by secondary sources, […]

Demonstrate how the author reveals this bias or ideological predisposition. Then explore literary criticism that either supports or refutes the view that bias does in fact, exist, or suggests another inherent meaning.

Review: Assignment Choose a short story, play or poem. Relying upon your own analysis and literary critics you find, draw upon those earlier examples of literary criticism (Appendix A of your text), to aid you to identify possible bias (political, gender–based, racial, etc.). Demonstrate how the author reveals this bias or ideological predisposition. Then […]

Demonstrate how the author reveals this bias or ideological predisposition. Then explore literary criticism that either supports or refutes the view that bias does in fact, exist, or suggests another inherent meaning.

Your Assignment You are to find the critique about your play/poem/short story. Demonstrate how the author reveals this bias or ideological predisposition. Then explore literary criticism that either supports or refutes the view that bias does in fact, exist, or suggests another inherent meaning. Provide a cogent, logically reasoned thesis you can support with evidence […]

In Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (1959) discuss and analyze both the internal and the external factors that lead to the destabilization of Umuofia society.

Instructions: In Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart (1959) discuss and analyze both the internal and the external factors that lead to the destabilization of Umuofia society. This full ten-page critical literary essay in proper MLA style must have an original title, an introduction, a body and a conclusion. In addition, you must incorporate (quote or […]

Write an argumentative essay concerning some of the different literary devices utilized in a work of literature.

Well-known, published (in English and in any genre) author who has lived from 1600 C.E. to the present. The student will then write an argumentative essay concerning some of the different literary devices utilized in a work of literature from the selected author. For example, in the case of poetry, the student can discuss the […]

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