Gerald Stern

What does the book(Gerald Stern’s The Buffalo Creek Disaster) tell you about the potential for plaintiffs’ torts attorneys to work for social justice?

The Buffalo Creek Disaster Read Gerald Stern’s The Buffalo Creek Disaster: How the Survivors of One of the Worst Disasters in Coal-Mining History Brought Suit Against the Coal Company- And Won. Write a short paper (approximately 5-7 pages) that addresses the following questions: What does the book tell you about the potential for plaintiffs’ torts […]

What were the underlying facts that gave rise to the disaster? How did the story impact your view of the legal system, if at all?

GBL 323 – Ethics Writing Assignment #4 All GBL students at Michigan State University are required to read the Buffalo Creek Disaster. The Buffalo Creek Disaster is the story of how attorney Gerald Stern represented clients who had been hurt by flooding in West Virginia attributed to the alleged actions of a coal mining company. […]

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