Horror films

Analyse the representation of body horror in its transformation in the 1982 John Carpenter film “The Thing.

Body horror in its transformation in the 1982 John Carpenter film Analyse the representation of body horror in its transformation in the 1982 John Carpenter film “The Thing. Critically examine the usefulness of any theoretical framework(s) you use. The essay should aim to determine how “body horror and transformation” in horror films is depicted within […]

What precisely is the intellectual problem / destabilizing condition that you want your claim to address?

Option 1 for the essay assignment to complement the horror movie “Deadly Illusions.” The analysis of Aristotle’s concepts will be based on the work of Cynthia Freeland, The naked and the Undead, and Tallon Philip’s “Through a mirror, darkly.” Horror films define the nature of human emotions and how well different individuals react to specific […]

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