
Prepare a paper about adults with COPD, explain does pulmonary rehabilitation, reduce the rate of hospitalization.

Capstone Project: In adults with COPD, does pulmonary rehabilitation, reduce the rate of hospitalization Prepare a paper about adults with COPD, explain does pulmonary rehabilitation, reduce the rate of hospitalization. APA 7 format Minimum of 5 references

Create a visual representation of the three (3) priority nursing diagnoses by incorporating them into the Concept Map (template in the worksheet).

ASSIGNMENT Case Scenario: Mrs. J is admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, “I just had to come to the hospital today because I can’t catch my breath and my legs are swollen.” After further questioning, […]

What are the current recommendations for managing Hannah’s asthma and to help prevent asthma episodes? How should Hannah handle future episodes that start at school?

OXYGENATION CASE STUDY ASTHMA Hannah McGregor, a 9-year-old with asthma, lives at home with her parents and two brothers, who are 6 and 4 years old. Hannah developed asthma at approximately 5 years of age and has had wheezing episodes that were generally controlled by rescue medications. Two weeks ago, Hannah had a severe asthma […]

Discuss the impact of hospitalisation on children and young people and their family and strategies used by the children’s nurse to minimuse?

Hospitalization Discuss the impact of hospitalization on children and young people and their family and strategies used by the children’s nurse to minimuse? What do we mean by hospitalization? Why is it important that we discuss the effects of hospitalization on the CYP & family? What is the effect on the family, positive or negative? […]

Read the following scenario and clearly state which questions you are exploring, and process how you would respond to the scenario

Assignment Read the following scenario. Then read the 8 key questions, and choose 3-4 questions that you think directly relate to the scenario. Clearly state which questions you are exploring, and process how you would respond to the scenario. Scenario: You are a Psychologist who has to make a recommendation to the court regarding the […]

Perform sit to stand and stand to sit transfers with CGA using assistive device (RW) and cuing as necessary in order to increase functional mobility.

Occupational therapy treatment plan: treatment intervention Assessment Patient is a 72 year old woman who presents with decreased strength/endurance, impaired balance, ADL/IADL deficits, pain due to recent hospitalization for L hip arthroplasty. Pt goals for rehab are to return home, to be able to drive, and to resume her life as it was before the […]

Write a research paper to reduce the psycho social and physical adverse effects of hospitalization by using therapeutic dogs for inpatient care.

For this assignment you will need to: Write a 3-4 page paper in APA format with a minimum of 3 references. Address the following Areas: The objectives are something you hope to achieve from doing the project Strategies.The objective is to reduce the psycho social and physical adverse effects of hospitalization by using therapeutic dogs […]

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