
Based on your study and the powerpoint, what is your opinion about vaccines and herd health?

Journal / Survey about Vaccines (Graph Needed) Journal posts are to be considered and written as small essays. Posts should address the topics specified and be of at least one page long (300-800 words). Journals can be opinion pieces in some instances as directed. Support your opinion with facts from academic sources such as those from […]

What is the theme, setting, and plot in “A Party Down at the Square” by Ralph Ellison? What is the conflict, moment of crisis, and peripety in Ralph Ellison’s “A Party Down at the Square”?

Ellison A Party at the Square Discussion Questions What is the meaning of this quote? How does it apply to society today? “Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat.” What is the theme, setting, and plot in “A Party Down at […]

Write 11 JOURNALS on the PROSPECTS AND PERILS OF THE 21ST CENTURY Journal Structure:3 Paragraphs per journal .

QUESTION: Write 11 JOURNALS on the PROSPECTS AND PERILS OF THE 21ST CENTURYJournal Structure: 3 Paragraphs per journal . First paragraph: Present the idea ( 4 to 5 sentences) Second paragraph: Why is it Important ( Does it Advance or Destroy humanity) 5 to 6 sentences Last paragraph: Conclusion; If you have any idea’s on […]

What do evangelical Christians believe about the nature of humanity as the image of God? What do they believe about original sin?

Christian Faith and The Work of Jesus (SAMPLE on how to do SECTIONs): Work of Christ: Jesus was without a sin nature (Jn. 8:46, 1 Pete. 2:21-22; Heb 4:15) and was therefore an absolute sacrifice, was born of a virgin (Mt. 1:18-25; Lk. 1:26- 38), was killed for our transgressions as a substitutionary atonement, was […]

How do we best express empathy? How does showing and accepting compassion help inform our understanding of the world?

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the thoughts and feelings of others, is an important part of our humanity. How do we best express empathy? How does showing and accepting compassion help inform our understanding of the world? In this unit, we read an excerpt Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. In the […]

Write a 500-word or more response essay discussing Gregor Samsa’s three attempts to return to humanity

Write a 500-word or more response essay discussing Gregor Samsa’s three attempts to return to humanity. First, acknowledge that there were three attempts—they begin when Samsa opens the bedroom door—then, explain them. Give examples of how Kafka combines the physical responses of an insect with the emotions of a human being. How Kafka shows Samsa […]

Explore the relationship between humanity and the divine.

Literary Analysis Draft By the due date assigned, submit your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area at the bottom of the page. By the end of the week, comment on at least two of your classmate & submissions using the peer review questions provided below. The major assignment for this week […]

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