
Describe a workplace situation where storytelling would be helpful in getting a point across. What story would you use to support an idea?

Discussion Discussion Board Topic #1, Storytelling Can Make or Break Your LeadershipForum The author of Storytelling Can Make or Break Your Leadership posits that telling a compelling story builds credibility for yourself and your ideas. He says that most effective stories share five characteristics: audience-specific, contextualizes your story, humanizes your story, makes it action-oriented, and […]

Whether you agree or not with his argument, where in Scripture could someone argue that “humility be the first, the all-including grace of the life of Jesus”?

Humility Book Review After reading the book Humility, post an initial thread to include the follow (use separate bolded section titles or paragraphs to break up the post showing where each point is addressed): Approximately, what percentage of the book was read in preparation for this discussion? What is Murray’s central thesis in the book? […]

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