Hunger Games

Write a comparative essay between Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go” and the film “The Hunger Games”.

Comparative essay Comparative essay between Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go” and the film “The Hunger Games”. The stimulus is the comparison of control in dystopian worlds as presented in the text and the film. Perhaps containing control over information, control over bodies/freedom, and regaining control and how control is presented in the book and […]

Analyze the moral issues you have chosen, using your own logic and feelings along with references to philosophers covered in the class.

The Hunger Games Moral Issues (100 points) Write a paper (4-5 pages). Select some of the moral issues presented in The Hunger Games saga (three to four issues would be a good range, depending on how fully you intend to talk about them). You may use any of the installments in the trilogy of novels […]

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