imperial power

What were the most significant cultural changes that came as a consequence of Roman imperialism?

Roman Empire You can choose from 1 of two prompts: 1. What were the most significant cultural changes that came as a consequence of Roman imperialism? How and in what ways did these cultures, ideas, and institutions continue and evolve after the decline of imperial power? 2. To what extent was the size of the […]

What forces have been changing communities in the UK ?

What forces have been changing communities in the UK ? The United Kingdom is geographically mapped in the North Western coast in the continental Europe. It includes the British Isles archipelago, island of great Britain, 1/6th of Ireland and many more islands. The United Kingdom lies in an area of 93,419 square meters governed by […]

How important was military conflict in creating and sustaining empires?

How important was military conflict in creating and sustaining empires? Answer with reference to two empires of your choice. Option 2 requires you to consider the extent to which military conflict was important in the creation and operation of empire. Units 8, 9 and 10 are particularly relevant to this question, but you will also […]

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