Industrial Complex

Assess how race and class bias is affecting the crime control model of the criminal justice system. Analyze how the American penal system developed into an imprisonment binge.

ASSIGNMENT Completely read all assigned reading materials. Students are either encouraged to ask question via email to professor, Blackboard, or during the designated office hours to address any misunderstanding of the information presented in class or assigned reading materials. Course Learning Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Assess […]

Provide a brief summary of an article up on Blackboard (Week 13) focusing on a racial minority. What does it tells us about race in sport today?

Assignment Create a new Word document without your name. You will be graded on the clarity, composition, use of important concepts and depth of your argument(s). Provide a brief summary of an article up on Blackboard (Week 13) focusing on a racial minority. What does it tells us about race in sport today? What are […]

What are the specific arguments advanced by the author(s) in the text and how they are supported? What are the theories/theoretical frameworks and /or concepts that are engaged within the text?

Critical Summaries Each article’s summary should be approximately 2 double spaced pages and must be submitted prior to class via BrightspaceCritical summaries provide the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the course readings while staying on schedule; they also help you come to class with ideas, questions, and thoughts to contribute to discussions. Only one […]

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