jazz tradition

Discuss the title of the song/piece, and the name of the lead musician (and the name of the band, if appropriate). Then, explain why you find each song interesting.

Jazz Tradition Now that you’ve developed a broader understanding of the jazz tradition, share with your classmates some links to jazz music that you’ve discovered. We’ve not yet studied jazz in the 1960s and beyond, but if you’re familiar with any of this music, you can post links to it as well. For your initial […]

Write a separate paragraph for 8 different jazz songs/pieces that you listen to in a radio or streaming broadcast.

Jazz Songs/Pieces Write a separate paragraph for 8 different jazz songs/pieces that you listen to in a radio or streaming broadcast. For each paragraph, you’ll need to address all of the bullet points listed below. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click on the blue “Submit Assignment” button above, then copy & paste […]

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