Journeys anthology

Choose a Romantic poem from the nineteenth century that you intend to rewrite in a way that incorporates typically modernist qualities.

Write Like a Modernist Over the course of the next several days, you will complete a writing assignment. In the assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the tenets of modernist literature by rewriting a Romantic poem in a way that incorporates typically modernist qualities in terms of language, style, literary elements, and themes. The […]

Why might Sonnet 18 by Francesco Petrarcha be interpreted as a poem about defeat as much as a poem about love? Use specific examples from the text in your response.

Responding to a Narrative Prompt., Love Sonnets Why might Sonnet 18 by Francesco Petrarcha be interpreted as a poem about defeat as much as a poem about love? Use specific examples from the text in your response. Read Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare now. It is located on page 73 of your Journeys anthology. What […]

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