Ku Klux Klan

Provide a response on the following post below pertaining to the March on Washington of 1941.

Topic: Examine the March on Washington of 1941 and considers its successes and limitations. Provide a response on the following post pertaining to the March on Washington of 1941. “Marches on Washington–Common During Early 20th Century” We must remember that several activist groups marched on Washington to further their causes in the early 20th century […]

Write and investigate contemporary hate groups.

Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to think beyond the history, dynamics, and consequences of the Ku Klux Klan by investigating contemporary hate groups (e.g., American Skinheads, White Aryan Resistance, etc.). Requirements: The International Commission on Human Rights needs your help. They have contacted you and requested a […]

What were the possible causes of the great depression?

1.) Explain how the 1920s was a decade of contradictions. What does the relationship between mass immigration and the rise of the Second Ku Klux Klan tell us about American attitudes? How might we reconcile the decade as the period of both the flapper and prohibition? 2.) What were the possible causes of the Great […]

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