legal analysis

Provide a summary of the client interview at the beginning of Chapter 9 using all the legal analysis and key facts provided in the entire chapter.

Objective memo: Fact Summary Assignment Go to the link below, and sign in using the credentials. Navigate to the course “PLST 202: Legal Writing.” Under Module/Week 1, read Putman & Albright Chapter 9, “Legal Analysis—Key Facts.” Provide a summary of the client interview at the beginning of Chapter 9 using all the legal analysis and […]

What are the Constitutional concerns today and moving forward? What are the legal concerns?

Dr. Anthony Champagne Discusses Covid and the Constitution (video stream): Guidelines: Be sure to follow each of the formatting guidelines provided in Addendum II of the syllabus and the specific guidelines for a discussion activity posted online (minimum research and writing requirements). The link provided above will allow you to stream the video. The […]

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