Lorem Ipsum

Create a CSS file that will be used throughout the site. Create a banner image for your site. Add additional content to your pages; then, organize the content in a creative fashion.

CookingHub Create a CSS file that will be used throughout the site and includes the following information: the fonts (that will be used consistently) throughout the site the color scheme of pages and backgrounds Use what you created in the Module 2 Assignment as a jumping-off point to do the following: Design at least four […]

Complete the navigation menu: Include the different pages that will be included in this website; i.e., Home, About Us, etc.

Cooking Hub Complete the following: Navigation Menu: Include the different pages that will be included in this website; i.e., Home, About Us, etc. Links need to be active with an “Under Construction” message or “Lorem Ipsum” content. Upload your home page (index.html) with a brief message that lets visitors know what your site is about. […]

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