Malcolm Gladwell

Explain whether you agree or disagree with this concept. Cite research to support your position.

6-1 Discussion: First Impressions In his book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that formal marketing research, including focus groups, is not very valuable and effective because the people being asked to evaluate the product do not take enough time to thoroughly evaluate the product. As a result, it is more […]

Think about how his examples of different rankings of cars or law schools amount to different conceptualizations of what “quality” means in these different fields.

INSTRUCTIONS 1 This first additional reading is a short article that Malcolm Gladwell wrote for the New Yorker.Think it offers a really clear reflection on the decisions that underlie index creation, and on how problematic some of those decisions can be. An index is, ultimately, a measurement tool. Building a good index requires you to […]

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