
Select one article from the site to read and provide a summary of the article. Briefly describe the article you selected–summarize the main findings and conclusions.

Midlife in the United States Visit the MIDUS website to do some research. Select one article from the site to read and provide a summary of the article. Based on the article, write a 2-3 page paper that answers the following questions: 1. Briefly describe the article you selected–summarize the main findings and conclusions. Discuss […]

Write an essay giving examples of physical and cognitive changes that may influence and contribute to relationships with adult children, aging parents, siblings, and friends.

Physical and cognitive milestones of middle adulthood Consider the various physical and cognitive milestones of middle adulthood. Think of as many examples as you can of physical and cognitive changes that may influence and contribute to relationships with adult children, aging parents, siblings, and friends. For example, how might responses to physical changes in middle […]

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