modern society

How might Emerson’s words help people navigate the problems and issues of today? Choose one quotation from the essay and explain what it means and how it has relevance for you personally or for modern society.

When they were first written and published, Emerson’s ideas presented individuals with a new sense of purpose and control in their own lives. Instead of being subject to society or institutions, individuals could look to nature and to themselves to find a sense of the divine and to construct a meaningful life. Many of Emerson’s […]

How might genetics and evolution apply to our modern society when we consider the differences between people?

Whether you “believe” in evolution or not, why is it important to be knowledgeable about Darwin’s theory? How might genetics and evolution apply to our modern society when we consider the differences between people? Should we stratify people based on intelligence or other specific qualities? Have you observed traits in your parents that you do […]

Discuss t autonomous vehicle and its impact on society.

Autonomous Vehicle and its impact on society Topic statement & significance Clearly explains topic Explains why topic is important in modern society Clearly explains topic and why topic is important to society, but some minor aspects are missing Explains topic and why topic is important, but some major aspects are missing Topic is unclear OR […]

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