
Find 5 articles that relate to the topics in the module and discuss how the articles pertain to the information in the module.

Meichenbaum Pick one module in the attached PDF and discuss the pros and cons of the material in the module. Then, find 5 articles that relate to the topics in the module and discuss how the articles pertain to the information in the module.

Post a short discussion of your findings from the literature through this module. How much literature as supportive evidence for conducting your study do you think is adequate?

Research & Summaries Prompt: Post a short discussion of your findings from the literature through this module. How much literature as supportive evidence for conducting your study do you think is adequate? Requirements: Threaded format-Your initial post should be 75-150 words. Each reply should be 100 words.  

What you have learnt that will be specifically useful for your own practice, and why. How you will use the skills you have gained from this module.

A conclusion is used to wrap up a piece of writing. Your conclusion must be a reflection on your learning and how it will be applied in practice. You will be required to identify: What you have learnt that will be specifically useful for your own practice, and why. How you will use the skills […]

Critically reflect on and analyse the personal learning that has occurred from their involvement in the module and undertaking the simulated practice scenario.

This is an individual written piece of work in which the student will critically reflect on and analyse the personal learning that has occurred from their involvement in the module and undertaking the simulated practice scenario.

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