
Watch the movie Amadeus discussing who or what really killed Mozart and explain what the story is about. ?

Amadeus Critique Watch movie: Amadeus 1984 ‧ Drama/Musical ‧ 2h 40m Critique movie Write critique paper Using background story- Set up Point of attack- when story begins Turning Point- looking in another direction (it can be more than one turning point) Plot-what the story is about Climax- highest point in story Did he hate Mozart […]

Explain how The Baroque Period was different than The Classical Period.

“During the baroque period, musicians often played with amateurs in music clubs or university music societies, getting together in private homes, coffee-houses, and taverns.” Explain how this differs or is the same as our world today. Explain how The Baroque Period was different than The Classical Period. Include the exploration of the city of Vienna […]

Pick a classical music concert from youtube and write a paper using musical terms like melody, dynamic, etc

The assignment is to pick a classical music concert from youtube and if you have a classical music concert you saw you could also use that too and write a paper using musical terms like melody, dynamic, etc on what you think about the concert, describe it, my opinion on it, and what  you like […]

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