Nazi Germany

List and describe the four (4) interlocking factors that led to the outbreak of WWI, and then explain the ways in which WWI was a “total war.”

History of Western Civilization II Describe specific reasons why the turn of the century could be characterized by the word “radicalized.” List and describe the four (4) interlocking factors that led to the outbreak of WWI, and then explain the ways in which WWI was a “total war.” Define Totalitarianism and give examples of why […]

Discuss any outcomes or legislature associated with the study. What type of consent would have been needed to make the study ethical and valid?

Ethical Codes and Regulations Research a historical experiment that impacted or helped shape the development of ethical codes and regulations. The videos from week 1 have already described some of the issues during WWII and Nazi Germany and the Tuskegee Study, avoid using those examples as the ethical issue you select. Discuss the experiment and […]

Identify a recent example of an organization that has faced (or is facing) an issue of collective memory and recommend how they might use CHR practices to improve their reputations.

Week 5 PowerPoint: Nazi Germany and the Janssen (2013) article Based upon the information in the Week 5 PowerPoint on Nazi Germany and the Janssen (2013) article addressing Volkswagen’s use of forced labor during WWII and VW’s connection to the Nazi regime. Briefly respond to the following prompts: Do you feel JCPenney followed Janssen’s four […]

Which social factors caused systematic racism? Are these factors personal or governmental?

Understanding the sociology of the systematic racism There are many factors that cause systematic racism. Systematic racism is a social trend/movement in many levels of a society (from the government, public sectors like health system, banking, educational system to personal lives like churches, families, friends, etc). The Nazi Germany is a good example of the […]

You should look at the author’s background, purpose for writing the book, the argument of the book, organization of the book (topical versus chronological), a brief summary of the book, sources and evidence, and critical analyze if the author(s) succeed in making the argument

Class name is Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. Book related to this. In addition to the sources assigned to the class, you are required to write a critical review ( examination) of one other book (you must find a book). Your choice must be approved by the end of week 2. Critical book review IS […]

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