Norton Field

Read the chapter on “Beginning and Ending,” as well as the chapter on “Drafting,” in The Norton Field Guide. Then draft two possible introductory paragraphs for Writing Project One.

Beginning and Ending Read the chapter on “Beginning and Ending,” as well as the chapter on “Drafting,” in The Norton Field Guide. Draft two possible introductory paragraphs for Writing Project One. 1) The first should offer background information about the literacy event you are focusing on or the main idea of your story. 2) The […]

Explain what are rules you can think of for academic writing? What are similarities and/or differences of expectations on how to write in high school versus in college?

Writing in Academic Contexts 2 Read the following chapters from The Norton Field Guide: “Writing in Academic Contexts,” “Developing Academic Habits of Mind,” “Purpose,” “Audience,” “Genre, and “Stance 3. Type responses to the following questions based on your specific personal experiences and on the above reading, referring to specific passages and using page numbers in […]

Write an original, researched essay analyzing a phenomenon within the American culture or another culture.Conduct library research to find credible scholarly sources.

Write an original, researched essay analyzing a phenomenon within the American culture or another culture. Analysis should expose the underlying assumptions and the cultural implications of the phenomenon. The essay should synthesize differing views to persuade, rather than merely to inform. To start research, find one source from The Norton Field Guide Thematic Guide to […]

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