
Pick from the stories you have read so far and use two outside sources and write a three page critical essay.

CRITICAL ESSAY Pick from the stories you have read so far and use two outside sources (some will be available on the class blog) and write a three page critical essay. Use quotes from the stories and from your two outside sources. Include a works cited page with all sources and look at the example […]

Pick from the stories you have read and use two outside sources and write a three page critical essay.

The Veldt CRITICAL ESSAY Three: Pick from the stories you have read so far and use two outside sources (some will be available on the class blog) and write a three page critical essay. Use quotes from the stories and from your two outside sources. Pick ONE (not one from each section, one overall of […]

How does this episode of Black Mirror demonstrate social interaction?

First Review Watch and review this movie: ) , thereafter, formulate a discussion board response by considering the following questions: How is class represented in In Time? What stands for wage in the film? Why do some people get to live forever? How fair do you think this system is? How hard do the […]

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