
Does the criminal justice system represent an effective deterrent against crime? Are punishment mechanisms determined based on partisanship rather than interest in maintaining public order?

2 Discussion post Find a public setting where you can practice your hand at field observation to answer a question that you find interesting. For example, it could be studying who does and does not properly return shopping carts at a grocery store. Or, are men or women more likely to hold a door open […]

How do people believe things have changed under the Administration of Donald Trump and how do they view his handling of racial issues?

Report: Pew Study on Race in America Answer the following questions Read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”). Then read pages 4-16 of the Pew Research Center report, Race in America 2019 (see link below), and write a brief report. 1. Describe the views of Americans concerning the nation’s progress on […]

How do attitudes about federal government responsibilities differ by age, race, income, and partisanship (Democrats and Republicans)?

Report #3: Changing Public Opinion Before beginning this assignment, make certain that you have read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”), the 2021 Pew Research Center Report titled “Americans See Broad Responsibilities for Government: Little Change Since 2019” (March 17), and the 2020 article by Eli Finkel et al. from Science […]

Consider how demographics changes like race, ethnicity, or partisanship influence voting and election outcomes.

Instructions 1. For a background to gerrymandering, reference course materials and watch this video that presents an overview on how legislators stay in power as a result of legislative redistricting: 2. Next, go to the Texas Tribune website that shows the new voting maps based on the 2020 Census, and type in your address […]

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