
Find a company that you believe could make an enhanced contribution to peace and could do so, at least in part, by utilizing cultural artifacts. What is that company doing now?

Google – Contributions to Peace Company: Google Relate the topic critically to at least two parts of the course, and figure that a well-done paper will range in length from 8-12 pages. Find a company that you believe could make an enhanced contribution to peace and could do so, at least in part, by utilizing […]

Do a research on a question of your choice on war/ peace/ transitions or all of these phenomena through a political economy framework.

In this assignment, you are required to plan an essay answer to the question you chose. This assessment seeks to: Test your skill to formulate a question on war/ peace/ transitions or all of these phenomena through a political economy framework. Test your ability to identify the methods of data collection and the academic literature […]

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