
Conduct some research on your own regarding any of the topics covered within the podcast. What were some points that stood out to you in the podcast?

PODCAST ASSIGNMENT Task 1- Podcast First, you will need to listen to the below podcast by Dr. Greger. Task 2- Research After listening to the podcast, conduct some research on your own regarding any of the topics covered within the podcast. Task 3- Original Post Address the following in your original post: What were some […]

Find a website, video, article, or podcast that offers advice on effective proofreading. Then write a brief email message to your instructor, describing the item you found and summarizing the career skills information you learned from it.

Sharpening Your Career Skills Online Find a website, video, article, podcast, or presentation that offers advice on effective proofreading. Write a brief email message to your instructor, describing the item you found and summarizing the career skills information you learned from it.

Choose an upcoming event on university campus that you are passionate about. Then create 3 minutes podcast to persuade the audience to attend the event.

Content for creating a Podcast Scenario for podcast is to choose an upcoming event on university campus that you are passionate about. The audience for the podcast are University students and is intended to persuade them to attend the event. Upcoming event: Science Friday. It’s a seminar series featuring speakers on chemistry, astrophysics, biology and […]

From the PowerPoint presentation on Chapter 14, list three different entity types and why you might choose each one when starting a new venture.

PODCAST Listen to this podcast on the link and use the pdf attached to answer the two questions: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/startup/xjhwn8/exit In a minimum of 1-page, double-spaced, answer the following questions (roughly one paragraph per answer): 1) From the PowerPoint presentation on Chapter 14, list three different entity types and why you might choose each one when […]

Find an article, news report, podcast, lecture, or video that deals with technology that has ethical implications. Briefly summarize what your selection discussed and how it relates to values and ethics.

Topic: Technology that has ethical implications Find an article, news report, podcast, lecture, or video that deals with technology that has ethical implications. At the top of your paper, include a full reference to your selection, including an Internet link. write four paragraphs for four bullet points below . Briefly summarize what your selection discussed […]

After listening to the podcast “Grief Mythology,” explaining what are some of the myths of grief that surprised you and what are some other myths you can think of?

Topic: Reflective Journal Listen to “Widow We do Now Podcast: Grief Mythology” Episode (Relevant content begins about minute 18). Podcast episode is embedded below, or you can link to the podcast homepage here (scroll to episode 9). https://widowwedonow.com/listen/ After listening to the podcast “Grief Mythology,” what are some of the myths of grief that surprised […]

Listen to the podcast below. Choose parents, teachers, students, school board, or state legislature, among others, on either side of the issue and discuss how you would/could impact the group of your choice.

The Problem We All Live With You are to listen to the podcast (see link below).  As you hear the story, you will hear that the podcast discusses several groups related to the issue. Imagine that you are asked to intervene or help one of the groups. Think about and then choose the group you […]

Select one other podcast from the 10-Minute TechComm website then write a short paragraph summarizing three key findings you gleaned from the podcast.

Podcast topic In this class, in week 1, we listened to an interview with Dr. Kirk St. Amant and Dr. Giuseppe Getto from the 10-Minute TechCommwebsite, which is a series of podcasts directed by Dr. Ryan Weber of the University of Alabama in Huntsville. For this final discussion topic, do the following: 1. Select one […]

Write a reflection/reaction essay about the podcast and how you see the ideas and themes from it connecting with concepts covered in this class.

Listen to this podcast (https://www.npr.org/2020/07/31/897673162/you-2-0-our-pursuit-of-happiness) in entirety. Write a reflection/reaction essay about the podcast and how you see the ideas and themes from it connecting with concepts covered in this class. Be sure to be specific about which psychological phenomena and concepts you are linking the podcast content to in your writing. The reaction essay […]

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