
Use the link below to complete a total of 7 Statistics Tests that are 12 questions each.

Statistics Tests Complete a total of 7 Statistics Tests that are 12 questions each. Do two assignments in excel attach below. To access the test use this link https://bbprod.hvcc.edu/webapps/portal/execute/tabs/tabAction?tab_tab_group_id=_12_1 Click the arrow on the upper right corner and select the course Fall 2022 Statistics. Then on the left hand side select “Instructional Modules”. Test one […]

Write a reflection/reaction essay about the podcast and how you see the ideas and themes from it connecting with concepts covered in this class.

Listen to this podcast (https://www.npr.org/2020/07/31/897673162/you-2-0-our-pursuit-of-happiness) in entirety. Write a reflection/reaction essay about the podcast and how you see the ideas and themes from it connecting with concepts covered in this class. Be sure to be specific about which psychological phenomena and concepts you are linking the podcast content to in your writing. The reaction essay […]

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