Popular media

Select an article from the print or electronic (online) media which describes a research study. Discuss what type of study is described (correlational, experimental).

ASSIGNMENT Select an article from the print (papers or news/popular magazines) or electronic (online) media which describes a research study. The article needs to be one published or posted after (or during) January 2022.  The study should be in the human sciences (ex., medicine, psychology, etc.), Discuss the following questions: 1)What type of study is described (correlational, experimental)?  Provide a […]

Compare and contrast 1 media message of how nurses/nursing are portrayed in a popular media venue and the ‘real world’ of nursing. Include the name of the “popular media” venue.

Media 1. Compare and contrast 1 media message of how nurses/nursing are portrayed in a popular media venue and the ‘real world’ of nursing. Include the name of the “popular media” venue (newspaper, t-shirt, magazine, website. TV, film, etc.). a. Discuss 2 ways you believe the media influences public opinion of nurses or nursing. Talk […]

Provide the name of the film or show, and the episode title or number (for a TV show) or air date (for news or talk show), and provide a very brief summary of the plot/setting of the story.

Social Inequality WATCH 30-60 minutes of popular media content of your choosing that illustrates an example of social inequality based on race, ethnicity, gender, or social class (the book touched briefly on inequality based on sexual orientation and gender identity, so you are welcome to include those areas as well). READ Chapter 7 of the […]

Write a 500-700 word draft explaining what the Mind/Body Problem is, using an example from popular media to illustrate the issue.

Expository paper For the first expository section of this paper, write a 500-700 word draft explaining what the Mind/Body Problem is, using an example from popular media to illustrate the issue. In addition to the material on the Mind/Body Problem provided in class, there are sections in these articles from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy […]

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