Presidential leadership

Write a paper in which you analyze the role of the U.S. president in setting public policy with or without the support of Congress.

In the United States presidents not only have informal policy-relevant powers such as agenda-setting and formal policy powers such as the veto, but also powers to make policy unilaterally, such as issuing an executive order. Write a paper in which you analyze the role of the U.S. president in setting public policy with or without […]

Write 3 interesting things you learned from this documentary relevant to our current economic problems and Presidential leadership during crisis. Explain them into 3 paragraphs.

Watch lecture on American Presidency: Write 3 paragraphs on things that you thought were interesting in the above lecture and explain why. Must be in 3 paragraphs. DOCUMENTARY: watch “The Rising Road” (5th Episode) of the PBS series on The Roosevelts. You can subscribe to free membership for 7 days and watch it and then […]

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