
Write a brief summary of the behavior you are working on, the names (pseudonyms or numbers are okay) and a brief explanation of the identity of the people you interviewed (showing the diversity).

Writing Question Interview at least 20 people (outside our class) from diverse identities about your chosen behavior – this could be people who are academic experts, biblically knowledgeable about the topic, or just individuals who have experienced that behavior – whether struggling with it themselves or experiencing problems when other people don’t use the behavior […]

How are these deep, underlying assumptions shared throughout all levels of the organization, including the executive level; division, department, and/or team levels; and the individual level?

Text book:Organizational Culture and Leadership by Edgar H. Schein; Peter Schein Use the organization of the US Air Force. Analyze the deep, underlying assumptions of your organization. You may analyze either your current or past employer, a volunteer organization, or any group in which you have participated. If you have never formally worked for an […]

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