Rachel Maddow

Identify the topic of the segment that you viewed and describe the commentator’s point of view.

Visit a major network news Web site and view a video of a commentator such as Rachel Maddow or Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) Anderson Cooper (CNN) Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson (Fox News). Identify the topic of the segment that you viewed. Include a brief summary of the segment. Describe the commentator’s point of view. If […]

Compare and contrast the way in which each commentator presents their information and what, if any, bias you detect in their presentations.

Find a segment on a particular political topic or political event by the conservative commentator Tucker Carlson. Post the video and a link. Summarize the points made by Tucker. Then find a segment on the SAME political topic or political event by liberal commentator Rachel Maddow. What points does she make? Compare and contrast the […]

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