Research literature

Identify a health campaign that is targeted at mental and cognitive health in older adults.

Identify a health campaign that is targeted at mental and cognitive health in older adults. You may use one of the NCOA evidence-based programs or identify your own in the research literature (see NCBI website). Provide a review of the program, how many people, where the program took place, what the program entailed, did it […]

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research methodologies used in health care settings.

You will be expected to critique the identified research paper using Caldwell et al’s (2005) critiquing tool. You must also reference according to the Harvard referencing system. Minimum 15 references and should be max. 10 years old. The essay should include: 1. Introduction – Clear indication of the research paper selected with a rationale for […]

Write a 3000 word essay on the challenges newly registered nurses face and what strategies can be utilised to manage these challenges.

write a 3000 word essay on the challenges newly registered nurses face and what strategies can be utilised to manage these challenges. It is expected that at least three major challenges will be identified from the research literature. The essay is to be constructed using evidence from the research literature with due referencing. A list […]

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research methodologies used in health care settings.

Qualitative research on ‘Adapting to domiciliary non-invasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A qualitative interview study ‘ using Caldwell et al’s (2005) critiquing tool. This is a 2,000 word systematic critique of one research paper from a choice using Caldwell et al’s (2005) critiquing tool. You are expected to: You will be expected to […]

To what extent do ICT organisations within an alliance set out to learn from each other?

2. Research Questions: Research is about questions – you need to present 2 closely related questions that help you investigate an academic problem worthy of research. *Example sub-questions[1]: 1. To what extent do ICT organisations within an alliance set out to learn from each other? 2. How do ICT organisations share and learn from their […]

Critically review motivational Theories in Education and examine how these are achieved in the International Baccaleurate Diploma Programme drawing upon educational practice based on my own experience.

Critically review motivational Theories in Education and examine how these are achieved in the International Baccaleurate Diploma Programme drawing upon educational practice based on my own experience. The assignment task: A critical analysis of an educational issue related to learners and learning (5000 words) Drawing on your professional experience of learners and learning and / […]

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