
Write what is actually taking place in the Usher mansion as he reads. Also, describe Roderick’s state of mind and his reactions at each point in the story.

Edgar Allan Poe – “The Fall of the House of Usher” FYI: The bold text provides explanation/notes to help you as you move through the story. For this assignment, you might want to write answers in a new document. If you write in this document, you will need to remove both the questions and this […]

Give an example of the psychological torment that the characters feel in “The Fall of the House of Usher.” Explain how that torment helps explain why people do things that aren’t in their best interests.

ASSIGNMENT Use this source only: Read Pages 629-642 In a 250 word post, respond to one of the following prompts: Poe defines his concept of “the perverse” as a drive that all people feel towards self-destruction. When we’ve committed murder, the perverse is that part of us that wants to confess. When we’re on […]

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