sales tax

Conduct a research on local sales tax cap then write a research paper explaining on the sales tax cap and how it affects transit funding.

Topic: Local Sales Tax Cap And How It Affects Public Transit Funding Include one additional page for citations/references. Research topic: Researching the sales tax cap and how it affects transit funding. Possible points of interest to talk about in the essay: Are citizens sending too much tax money to Transit organizations? Could transit caps be […]

Construct the formula and apply it to real-world situations correctly. Find another formula that you use in your daily life, and explain the meaning behind it.

Understanding Equations Being successful in mathematics requires understanding as opposed to simple memorization. For example, the formula to find the perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2L + 2W (where L is length and W is width). Memorizing the formula could be helpful, but, if we understand that the perimeter is the distance around […]

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