
How can new products be forecast? Explain how forecasting relates to having an efficient supply chain.

Discussion question The process of forecasting new products is difficult. Why? How can new products be forecast? Explain how forecasting relates to having an efficient supply chain. Parameters: Include certain requirements for the satisfactory completion of the discussion. It must include directions for word length, citations, and both an initial response and peer responses (where […]

Open the original case study briefing document: Week 2 – Manufacturing– Initial. Then populate five stakeholders (either people and/or groups) in the top row of yellow cells.

Supply Chain Open Excel with the QI Macros add-in. Click “Planning & PM Tools” in the QI Macros menu. Then, click “Stakeholder Analysis” as shown below. A grid will appear with generic roles populated, similar to the grid below: Obviously, this current grid is not tailored to this project so it will need to be […]

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