
What is “co-signing” a loan? What advice does the writer of Proverbs have about the wisdom of co-signing a loan?

The world of finance teaches that borrowing money can be a high-risk, high-reward option. Scripture has some passages that seem to clearly warn people to be cautious about getting into debt. Read the following Scriptures and write a thread of at least 250 words discussing what the Bible does and does not teach about debt. […]

Write an essay (1,200-1,500 words) about a single passage (such as Matt. 5-7) from scripture or comments on 12-20 different scripture passages.

The assignment addresses faith and management. Too often, students take Bible classes and major classes but may not think about integrating the two. This assignment challenges you to study what faith and scripture say about some aspect of Human resource management or work. The product is an essay (1,200-1,500 words) about a single passage (such […]

Do a research on how the Lord Jesus Christ ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit during His mission on earth.

POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Do a research on how the Lord Jesus Christ ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit during His mission on earth. Type a short essay, using as many Scripture references as possible, showing how the Lord Jesus Christ ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit during His mission […]

What do you believe the 3 most prominent characteristics of a human service professional should be? How do these characteristics compare to those desirable for Christians, as described in Scripture?

What do you believe the 3 most prominent characteristics of a human service professional should be? How do these characteristics compare to those desirable for Christians, as described in Scripture? Which of these characteristics do you see in yourself and what will you work on to obtain essential characteristics you may not have acquired yet? […]

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