
Where should we draw the line when it is clear that “intelligence” is the best weapon against the next big terrorist attack against the United States?

Discussion Questions: Respond to the questions presented. Your initial response should be at least one paragraph in length. Where should we draw the line when it is clear that “intelligence” is the best weapon against the next big terrorist attack against the United States? Do you believe that programs like Total Information Awareness contribute to […]

Use the scene below or take one of the scenes you wrote for the first writing assignment and begin to develop it into a story.

Topic: Fiction: First Story Draft Use the scene below or take one of the scenes you wrote for the first writing assignment and begin to develop it into a story. You should take the scene you felt most engaged with. You might begin where the scene begins. Or write a set-up/opening which comes before that […]

Prepare three short story scenes (3-6 pgs total), include a scene in which a character is afraid, a scene in which a character tries to fulfill a desire and a scene in which a character is accused of shoplifting.

Topic: Creating a scene Writing Homework: Three short story scenes (3-6 pgs total). Write a scene in which a character is afraid Write a scene in which a character tries to fulfill a desire Write a scene in which a character is accused of shoplifting Upload your assignment as a word doc where you see […]

Write a one-page report about the law of shoplifting and explain what the penalty is for breaking that specific law.

Write a one-page report about the law of shoplifting. Here is the link you must use for the report. Scroll down to where it says SECTION 16-13-110. Shoplifting. Use this section to explain what the law is and what the penalty is for breaking that specific law.

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