Silicon Valley

What do we need to ask more about platform discourse and Silicon Valley ideology? What is missing from this discussion?

News Media Question Asking questions is a first way to question and know reality. More than new answers, we need new questions in order to analyze social media, platform politics and digital culture. What do we need to ask more about platform discourse and Silicon Valley ideology? What is missing from this discussion? For Reflecting […]

Watch the HBO Documentary entitled “The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley”. Then write a 1000-1500 word paper single spaced discussing what happened in this case, what fraud occurred, and what conditions made that possible.

The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley Watch the HBO Documentary entitled “The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley”, which tells the story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. Write a 1000-1500 word paper single spaced discussing what happened in this case, what fraud occurred, what conditions made that possible, and what due diligence […]

Write an argumentative essay on should there be more regulation of today’s extremely large Silicon Valley internet and technology corporations.

Argumentative Essay Write an argumentative essay on should there be more regulation of today’s extremely large Silicon Valley internet and technology corporations such as Apple, Alphabet (which owns Google), Amazon, or Meta (which owns Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Oculus VR and more) due to their effects.

Write a reflection paper on what are the most essential reasons for Silicon Valley to become the most innovative environment on earth?

You will need write a reflection paper (no more than 3 typed, double-spaced pages) in which you will respond to the following questions: What amazed you or struck you emotionally? What disappointed or concerned you? What did you think of the people you met? Socially? Professionally? Did you like them? Trust them? Feel comfortable with […]

What about the political and economic trends? describe the ones most worrying to you?

What about the political and economic trends? describe the ones most worrying to you? In the United States, the free flow of ideas can spread unencumbered. This is the way Silicon Valley was founded. It has bred both competition and innovation, which is how we got to where we are now with AI among other […]

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