social control

How are the boys 'resocialized' into this new environment? What are the challenges they are facing as they enter into this environment for the first time?

Deviance and Social Control Watch the following film called Rock and a Hard Place and answer the following questions in essay format. Atlantic Cape Library has Films on Demand so you can watch this film by accessing the Media tab for the library. Here are the links: Atlantic Cape Community College Libraries: Find Media: Home […]

Find TWO current events not discussed in class and analyze it using your sociological imagination. What sociological concepts are depicted or can be used to describe what is happening?

Final Sociological Essay Your sociological imagination reflection will take the place of your final exam for SOCI 210. This paper is intended to measure how well you have understood the sociological concepts and theories presented in this course and will demonstrate the extent of how well your “Sociological imagination” has developed over the course of […]

After reviewing the documentary “When Kids Get Life,” explain do you see kids getting life sentences without parole as problematic? Why or why not?

When Kids Get Life In When Kids Get Life, Frontline producer Ofra Bikel (The O.J. Verdict, Innocence Lost), travels to Colorado to profile five individuals sentenced to life without parole as juveniles. Frontline. (2007, May 8). When kids get life. After reviewing the documentary “When Kids Get Life,” answer the following questions: Do you see […]

How can the notion of a racial bribe be useful in understanding contemporary social policy debates (i.e., healthcare, affirmative action)?

ASSIGNMENT Address and answer each question below. Throughout history, the United States has been plagued by structures and mechanisms that promoted a racial caste system within the United States. Structures from Jim Crow to mass incarceration, have been revamped over time to meet the needs of the dominant social order of the time. Read […]

What roles did women have during the Progressive Era?

Answer the following prompt: During the Progressive Era social reformers attempted to address the many societal problems in American society. What were some of those problems and how did reformers try to fix them? Historians today recognize that reformers’ efforts could also be considered a form of social control- How could reformers’ efforts be construed […]

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