space odyssey

Write a movie review on 2001: A space odyssey. Explain what makes this a great film or why you consider it important/good.

2001: A space odyssey Write a movie review on the selected film. What makes this a great film or why you consider it important/good. You can talk about: the historical importance of the film; the importance of the film within the director’s career; the importance of the film within an actor’s career; the aesthetic qualities […]

Based off of the following movies: 2001 a space odyssey, star wars (1977), Blade runner, the matrix. What is that role and how does it shape the story?

Second Interpretive Essay Prompts are based off of the following movies: 2001 a space odyssey, star wars (1977), Blade runner, the matrix 1. Women play a particular narrative role in each of the movies above. What is that role and how does it shape the story? Can we make the case that women’s roles have […]

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