
Choose one simile, metaphor, or symbol from any of the poems “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” “The Nymph’s Reply…” and “Pulled over in Short Hills, NJ….”. Explain which form you’ve chosen (symbol, metaphor, etc.) and what it means.

ASSIGNMENT Choose one simile, metaphor, or symbol from any of the poems “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” “The Nymph’s Reply…” and “Pulled over in Short Hills, NJ….” . (Be sure to identify the poem, quote the image, and cite the line number.) Explain which form you’ve chosen (symbol, metaphor, etc.) and what it means. […]

Pick a quote from the book that sums up the overall message of the text. Explain the context of the quote, then be sure to thoroughly discuss how and why this quote sums up the book.

Readers response on the book Junior Seau by Jim Trotter Provide a readers response on the book Junior Seau by Jim Trotter Reader Response GuidelinesFormat: must be typed, using 12-point font, double-spaced, and no more than 1-inch margins.Length: 4 pages minimum Content: Each RR is divided into five different phases. Although the same format must […]

Discuss the various ways in which money is important to the story; consider plot, theme, and symbol from the story assigned.

Read “The Gilded Six-Bits,” by Zora Neale Hurston. Questions for Paragraph 2,  pick ONE to write your thoughtful reaction. 1.Discuss the various ways in which money is important to the story; consider plot, theme, and symbol. 2.Identify three separate examples of Hurston’s expert and artistic use of African American vernacular (natural speech); for each, explain […]

Compose a well-organized essay discussing the three topics you most enjoyed learning in MTH100.

ASSIGNMENT: Compose a well-organized essay discussing the three topics you most enjoyed learning in MTH100. Use the five-paragraph format and make sure the following is contained in your essay: Topic must be explained utilizing words, not math symbols (i.e. use the words greater than, not symbol (>). You must explain why you enjoyed the topic. […]

Show how each technique is employed, and how the use of each technique helps the author develop her or his theme(s). Essays should be typed, double-spaced, and at least 750 words in length.

Write an essay discussing the relationship between the author’s use of two major areas of literary technique, and the larger theme or themes the author intends to convey. Show how each technique is employed, and how the use of each technique helps the author develop her or his theme(s). Essays should be typed, double-spaced, and […]

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