
Based on below information, prepare an estimate of general conditions. Based on data that you know from your own experience, determine unit prices.

Assignment Prepare a takeoff for the following: 1.) There are 6 spread footings. Each footing is 10′ x 10′ x 6″ deep. How much concrete do you need to order? 2.) There is one continuous footing for a single family residence. There is a total of 150 If. The footing is 18″ wide and 12″ […]

Choose a high profile project that you have not worked on (i.e. Empire State Building, 7 mile bridge, etc.) and prepare a 3-5 page, typed, double spaced paper in APA format based on the subject matter covered throughout the class.

Research Paper Assignment Choose a high profile project that you have not worked on (i.e. Empire State Building, 7 mile bridge, etc.) and prepare a 3-5 page, typed, double spaced paper in APA format based on the subject matter covered throughout the class. You can address the estimating stage of the project from a variety […]

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