
Prepare a memorandum discussing all causes of action against the 911 operator, the EMT and the Emergency Squad.

Memorandum Assignment Alan recently bought his dream vacation home in the mountains, a “fixer-upper” with a deck that jutted out over the river. During the summer and fall he worked on outdoor repairs, including replacing many, but not all, of the rotted railings on the wooden deck. In January, Alan invited his friend Todd, a […]

Assuming it is a lease, is Stephane under an obligation to deal with all or any of the following issues: the boiler, the windows, and/or

Stephane’s friends, Todd and Sandra, have a young child and were evicted from their council flat as the council needed to demolish the building. As Stephane felt sorry for Todd and Sandra, she said that they could live in one of her houses (5 Cotton Village, a two bedroomed house) for 12 months. Stephane told […]

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