transatlantic slave trade

In the prior two chapters, outline how the narrative has been discussed in curatorial literature/discourse since its development.

The shadow of United Kingdom British Transatlantic Slave Trade, and the impact till now Chapter three:  Case study 3.1 Background In the prior two chapters, outline how the narrative has been discussed in curatorial literature/discourse since its development, and then home in on specific curatorial practice 3 & 4 Will. IV c. 73 at the […]

Explain the effects of the slave trade in East-Africa.

Effects of the Slave Trade in East-Africa. Slave trade refers to the capturing, buying, and selling people to other wealthy persons to forcefully use them as their workers without any wage or made of payment. Slave trade existed worldwide, with the major known one being termed as the transatlantic slave trade. Enslaved people were taken […]

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