
Research the trickster characters from three different cultures of your choosing. Discuss an insight into why these quirky characters show up over and over again all over the world and across time.

Research Paper: Trickster Characters  Research the trickster characters from three different cultures Research the trickster characters from three different cultures of your choosing. Each of your body paragraphs should include the following: The Trickster’s name The culture the myth came from The traits of the particular Trickster A summary of at least one myth involving […]

Create a character that fits the mythological archetype of either hero or trickster in this assignment and write that character’s explanatory myth. What archetype will you choose, either hero or trickster?

Character creation We have studied several mythological archetypes from around the world, in different cultural contexts and time periods. We have spent a significant amount of time in the course analyzing the archetypes of hero and trickster, in particular. You have the opportunity to create a character that fits the mythological archetype of either hero […]

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