
Provide two political factors, explain them and how they impacted or influence youth in Trinidad and Tobago especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Two factors affected youth during covid-19 Provide two political factors, explain them and how they impacted or influence youth in Trinidad and Tobago especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Provide recommendation and solutions. Justify your information. Provide evidence and reference  

Choose one major problem in your country. It might be a social, economic, or environmental problem. Research what the problem is and why it exists.

Styrofoam affecting Trinidad and Tobago negatively Problem: Styrofoam affecting environment and economy negatively in Trinidad and Tobago also, talk about how they’re trying to fix the problem Choose one major problem in your country. It might be a social, economic, or environmental problem. Research what the problem is and why it exists. Type the essay, […]

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